Zero Art Fair

July 19th - 20th
Sold Out*

Official Participant of Upstate Art Weekend 2024 

Zero Art Fair is now closed after placing nearly every available work with a new friend.  Thank you to all the artists, visitors, funders, and sponsors who helped make the fair a success.  It happened more quickly than we anticipated! 

Participating Artists 

Natale Adgnot

Amber Eve Anderson

Bo Bartlett

Alana Bograd

Lee Boroson

Karlos Carcamo

Dana Carlson

Luyao Chang

Katie Chin

Matthew Conradt

Anne-Marie Cosgrove

Chris Costan

Kyle Cottier
Jennifer Dalton

Jane Fine

Rebecca Fortnum

Ryan Frank

E. Winslow Funaki

Allison Gildersleeve

Anthony Goicolea

Erin Haldrup
Susan Hamburger

Jessica Hargreaves

Robert Harrington

Jodi Hays

Michelle Hinebrook

James Huang
Kristen Jensen

Lee Jensen

Jeremiah Jones

Chris Kannen

Jennifer Karady

Jeana Eve Klein

Jac Lahav

Elisa Lendvay

Lisa Levy

Jason Cole Mager

Bridget May

Jennifer and Kevin McCoy

Thomas Micchelli

Jamie Mirabella
Natalie Moore

Chris  Moss

Erin O'Flynn

David Opdyke

Jeff Ostergren

Linda Pellagrini

William Powhida

Mary Raap

Cynthia Reynolds
Peter Rostovsky

Emily Roz

Carol Saft
Marc Sapir

Tom Sanford
Patricia Satterlee

Michael Scott

Jennifer Seas

Lauren Seiden

Jordan Seiler

Joanna Seitz

Jusun Seo

Michael Shaw

Viviane Silvera

Adam Simon

Janice Sloane

Jeff Slomba

Alfred Steiner

Lynn Sullivan
Bob Szantyr

David Thonis

Mark Tribe

Jason Varone

Michelle Vaughan

Chris Verene

Lexa Walsh

Amelie Wang

Oliver Wasow

Michael Waugh

Barbara Westermann

Yin Ming Wong

Daniel Zeller

Special Projects

Talk is Cheap
Jennifer and Kevin McCoy in collaboration with The Seeing Place and the Performance and Interactive Media Artists at Brooklyn College.  Visitors will be able to check out radios during the run of the fair to listen to a live mix of music, ambient audio, and recordings of the Zero Art Fair community discussing the idea of value. 

Beer & Badminton for Books  FRIDAY 4 - 6pm
While perusing and taking away amazing art at ZERO ART FAIR, enjoy a beer and win art books by playing quick games of badminton with artists and friends at the opening reception. Produced by Maureen Sullivan/ Red Art Projects.